Thorens TD 124

Refurbishing a Thorens TD 124 is a very demanding task. Engine and bearing renovation requires great knowledge and experience to achieve a good result. Calibrations and adjustments are time-consuming and are definitely a task that requires experience.
Classic Audio therefore offers a renovation of your Thorens TD 124 – incl. motor.
Total price for the concept – #9001: DKK 6,800 (excl. Danish VAT and possible shipping)
Order ——-> click here
The concept includes:
- A classic product that has been completely refurbished and tested for more than 100 hours before delivery.
- The engine is tested for more than 200 hours before delivery.
- A product that meets Thoren’s original specifications.
A small book with:
- Classic Audio Test Certificate (This shows the quality and specifications of your Thorens TD 124)
- Instructions for use (Manual in English)
A personal website will be created for you, where you can follow the certification of your particular product.
Chassis and engine refurbishment includes:
- Complete engine refurbishment with replacement of bearing felt washers, steel ball and bearing base plate.
- The engine runs for approx. 100 hours, after which bearings and speed constant are finally adjusted before mounting on the chassis.
- Motor bearings are carefully cleaned by gentle heating and new oil is supplied to the cither bearing under pressure
- Replacement of engine suspension for newly produced #4005 suspension
with optimal noise decoupling properties between engine and chassis in terms of noise – rumble.
- Chassis decoupling for noise and rumble – 4 “mushrooms” #4003 are changed
- Complete chassis renovation. The chassis is completely dismantled. All parts are carefully cleaned of all oil and grease.
When assembling the parts, all moving parts are lubricated exactly according to Thoren’s service instructions.
- The plate bearing is carefully cleaned and the bearing bottom plate and gaskets are replaced – #3002. For lubrication, the special Thoren’s oil is used with a dosage according to Thoren’s specifications. This gives the bearing a very long service life.
- The stair wheel and stair wheel bearing are carefully cleaned and refurbished.
- A new quality drive belt is fitted – #4006.
- Cleaning and renovation of circuit breaker and installation of new noise reduction capacitor – #6002.
- The strobe lamp is replaced – #6001 and the plexiglass window above the strobe lamp is replaced – #7003.
- Power cord is replaced
- A long quality test is then carried out, where your Thorens is tested under user conditions.
- It ends with the measurement of specifications, the following are measured (test according to DIN standard):
- Rumble (Very low frequency mechanical noise)
- Wow (Low Frequency Speed Variation)
- Flutter (Low Frequency Speed Variation)
- Speed variation (over time)
- The Classic Audio Certificate is prepared with all measurement results for your product.
The price does not include:
- Renovation of plinth and armboard
- Missing parts on chassis, armboard or plinth
- Quality of plate plates and plate bearings.
- Motor windings disconnected – cannot be repaired.
- Cosmetic surface defect on chassis
- All prices are excl. VAT
- Possibly freight
Notes:Classic Audio can offer the following for your Thorens TD 124
- Motor mount MK I converts to MKII quality kit – # 3003.
- Painting of TD 124 chassis in original color or a color of your choice (ONLY in connection with renovation)
- Delivery of a plinth lacquered or veneered according to your wishes
- Delivery of armboard lacquered or veneered according to your wishes
- Assembly and calibration of tone arm and pickup
You can find more details here regarding the concept.
Several renovations are described on the link below
, e.g. renovation of Beogram 3000 w/ Thorens TD 124 MKII.
Here you can see details about Thorens TD 124 renovation ——> Click here
Parts to be replaced:
Reference: Schopper AG website:
The fundamental problem of the TD 124 was (and remains) the motor – a problem which is, incidentally, common to all other turntables using the E 50 motor. The motor, which was not produced by Thorens but sourced from suppliers, inevitably suffered from technical limitations, namely the quality of the bearing. Cost considerations – at the beginning of the 60’s an E 50-type motor cost some 10 euros to manufacture – meant that the motor quality is simply no match for the other elements which define the astonishing overall quality of the TD 124. The original motor bearings were made from tinned bronze. After 40 years, these have become dried and brittle.
————- No simple oiling can solve the problem ———-
Now, after many years of research and experimentation, we can offer a bearing for the E 50 motor which has been designed without cost compromise, to tolerances of 1/1000 mm. We install the bearing and replace all worn parts, after which the motor is run in for one week. The motor is then opened once more to remove any loose filings, after which it is precisely calibrated.
The motor is replaced in the chassis and run for an additional week under real-world conditions, after which all chassis elements are finely adjusted.
The motor restoration results in the following:
• At 33 RPM proper speed is reached after only one platter rotation
• Speed stability remains absolutely constant
• Measurably lower noise and vibration
• Years of trouble-free turntable use.
The TD 124 is said to “rumble”. However, this rumble is not produced by the idler wheel drive mechanism, but where present results from vibrations caused by vibrating, poorly-mounted motors. Our TD 124 service results in measurable performance equal to that of a modern high-end turntable.
Jeg har besøgt Schopper i Schweiz og set hvordan motor renoveringen udføres der. Det er meget imponerende hvad Schopper kan opnå ved renoveringen. Jeg følger helt de samme punkter og processer, men jeg har også forbedret en del punkter så det endelige resultat bliver endnu bedre.
Classic Audio arbejder på din motor i mindst 5 timer og tester din motor 100 timer, hvorefter motoren skilles ad igen. Alt renses omhyggeligt og smøres igen. Motoren testes nu monteret i Thorens 124 in mindst 100 timer yderligere før afsendelsen.
Der medfølger test resultat / certifikat i form af motor støjspektrum.
Samlet pris for konceptet – #9005: 2495,- DKK (excl. dansk moms og evt. fragt)
lassic Audio offers a painting of your Thorens TD 124.
Note: it can only be ordered in connection with ordering a total renovation #9001.
You can have the chassis painted in the original Thoren color or a color of your own choice.
The task is carried out by a professional painter who guarantees the result.
Total price for the concept – #9100: DKK 3,200 (excl. Danish VAT and possible shipping)
Classic Audio sells Beogram 3000 w/ Thorens TD 124 MKI totally renovated according to descriptions for service total renovations above.
Included in the concept / price:
• Electronics and cabinet delivered in “like new” quality
• Total renovation of Thorens TD124 MKII with precision Swiss made spare parts. (see descriptions under service: Total renovation of Thorens TD 124)
• Tone arm – original B&O 9″ tone arm – ST/L 15º – totally refurbished and calibrated
• Original B&O special lift for Beogram 3000 totally refurbished and adjusted.
• Original B&O Pickup SP10 – re -tipped and upgraded with a new elliptical diamond
• Cabinet can be supplied in rosewood (Original B&O finish) •
Armboard supplied in silk matt finish
• Dust cover – newly made for Beogram 3000
test Certificate for Beogram 3000
• Classic Audio test Certificate for B&O Pickup of the SP series
• A small book for Beogram 3000 with quality scanned B&O original instructions
Send an email to Classic Audio with your order and any questions —–> Click here
The Beogram 3000 will be worked on for at least 20 hours and will be tested for at least 100 hours before delivery, and the engine will be tested for at least 200
hours ” quality level may have less insignificant traces of use.
Choose your own personal Beogram 3000 – Thorens TD 124 MKII
It is possible to order e.g. PickUp upgrade
Painting the Thores chassis in your personal color
There is the option of ordering a plinth in a different finish, e.g. teak or light oak
Armboard can be delivered veneered with rosewood (as a cabinet)
Prices are available – send an email ——-> Click here
Beogram 3000 – Thorens TD 124 MKII with a nice piano black lacquer.