The BeoLab 5000 website is created as a tribute to
Bang & Olufsens amazing Beolab 5000 system from 1967.
Classic Audio has a stock of all products in BeoLab 5000 series and are selling these great products total restored with a certificate.
For some (of us) it is almost like a dream, that it is possible to buy a completely restored BeoLab 5000 High Fidelity amplifier now more than 45 years after the launch in 1967. The Beolab 5000 will be delivered in a cosmetic quality like new and technically with specifications as the original or better.
BeoLab 5000 comes with a certificate that confirms originality and technical
- Beolab 5000
- Beomaster 5000
- Beogram 3000 -Thorens TD 124 MKII
- Beovox 5000
- Beovox 2500 Cube
- Beocord 1800
You will also find these information on this site:
- Company Profile
- Sales conditions
- Restoration process description
- Beolab product manuals
- B&O broshure for Beolab 5000
- Technical information – Beolab 5000
If you already own a Beolab 5000 Classic Audio offers a careful total restoration of your product.

Quote Beolab 5000 Brochure 1967 by Bang & Olufsen
“When B&O began experimenting with the BEOLAB 5000 High Fidelity Series almost three years ago (1964) we could not predict the price of a complete system of this type.
We just told our laboratory staff to provide the Perfect High Fidelity System – and that is no easy task, for such a system must provide distinct, perfectly life-like reproduction of the entire tonal range without the slightest distortion, without detracting anything from the incoming signal and without adding anything to it whatsoever.
Our laboratory staffs were happy to accept the challenge, and today you can see and hear the result: the BEOLAB 5000 series the first Danish-built system with specifications exceeding international high-fidelity standards in every respect.
So far, the series comprises a stereo amplifier of entirely new design, a separate FM stereo tuner, two specially designed pressure-chamber speakers, and a high-frequency sound diffuser. Obviously, the record player used with the BEOLAB 5000 series must meet the same high standards. The same applies to the tape recorder.
The exact price of a BEOLAB 5000 system obviously depends on the number of individual instruments you wish to purchase for it. But it will be considerably higher than the prices of most conventional hi-fi systems. In return for the higher price you get the purest reproduction of music you have ever heard and one of the most thrilling high-fidelity systems ever designed.”
We just told our laboratory staff to provide the Perfect High Fidelity System – and that is no easy task, for such a system must provide distinct, perfectly life-like reproduction of the entire tonal range without the slightest distortion, without detracting anything from the incoming signal and without adding anything to it whatsoever.
Our laboratory staffs were happy to accept the challenge, and today you can see and hear the result: the BEOLAB 5000 series the first Danish-built system with specifications exceeding international high-fidelity standards in every respect.
So far, the series comprises a stereo amplifier of entirely new design, a separate FM stereo tuner, two specially designed pressure-chamber speakers, and a high-frequency sound diffuser. Obviously, the record player used with the BEOLAB 5000 series must meet the same high standards. The same applies to the tape recorder.
The exact price of a BEOLAB 5000 system obviously depends on the number of individual instruments you wish to purchase for it. But it will be considerably higher than the prices of most conventional hi-fi systems. In return for the higher price you get the purest reproduction of music you have ever heard and one of the most thrilling high-fidelity systems ever designed.”
The design is classic and timeless
Bang & Olufsen wanted a product expressing “power, precision and identity”.
That was the task for the developing engineers of the Beolab 5000 System and designer Jacob Jensen.
The Beolab 5000 System was Jacob Jensens first assignment for Bang & Olufsen and the Beolab 5000 was the very first of the “sliderooler design”.
Bang & Olufsen wanted a product expressing “power, precision and identity”.
That was the task for the developing engineers of the Beolab 5000 System and designer Jacob Jensen.
The Beolab 5000 System was Jacob Jensens first assignment for Bang & Olufsen and the Beolab 5000 was the very first of the “sliderooler design”.